Sunday, February 19, 2023

Draft #1 of Gandy the Turtle & a Trip to Fabscrap !

This week I began drafting patterns, and I chose to start with Gandy because I had a limited amount of shoddy and he is my smallest pillow.

I drafted the pattern directly from my illustration and this was the result:

To the left is all of the fabric and thread scraps that I ended up with after cutting the pattern, which were then used as stuffing.

Shout out to Ryann, whose real life childhood pet turtle was named Gandy.

I definitely learned a lot from this first draft. A lot of the seams ripped during the stuffing process (mended with the orange thread), but I feel ready for draft #2! Here are my notes for subsequent changes:

Additionally, Dasha suggested I add another embroidered eye on the back, which I think is a great idea!

Later in the week I took a trip to Fabscrap to buy more shoddy. I got about 5 pounds, which I'm hoping will be enough if I can also gather un-shredded scraps from friends and classmates around Parsons. I got to see the shoddy in its giant-compacted-bale form, which was really cool!

Afterwards, Will and I went to J W Golden Bakery and got some delicious pastries and tea! I had milk tea and a hot dog bun. We ate in the park of PS 506 which was decorated with some really amazing student illustrations.

Thanks for reading ☺